Holiday Shoppe

Holiday Shoppe

Shop Dates
July 1st - August 31st

Items will be removed from stock at 11:59pm ET on September 1st

Hanabi: "Well, it totally looks like my festival is kinda losing the mojo 'cause of the Mersoosh stuff! Or, well, I thought that, until I saw that Cookie and Zero were just ignoring everyone else in favor of their teams... L-O-L. If you need anything, let me know!

Oh, my lower body? I found this beautiful mirror while diving, and it like, totally captured my attention. Then this happened. It fits me though, don't you think?"

Seasonal Enchantments
Cost: 500 Ocean Splashers
Kiwaku Spool
Kiwaku Spool
Cost: 500 Ocean Splashers
Mesmerizing Mirror
Mesmerizing Mirror
Cost: 1500 Ocean Splashers
Sea Globe
Sea Globe
Cost: 500 Ocean Splashers
Cost: 500 Ocean Splashers
Gift Boxes
Ocean Splashers Loot Box
Ocean Splashers Loot Box
Cost: 200 Cookies
Max 10 per user
Summer Seasonal Trait Box
Summer Seasonal Trait Box
Cost: 2000 Cookies
Max 1 per user
Breathless Depths Box
Breathless Depths Box
Cost: 0 Ocean Splashers
Max 5 per user
Savory Ticket
Savory Ticket
Cost: 100 Ocean Splashers
Sweet Ticket
Sweet Ticket
Cost: 100 Ocean Splashers
Fired Squib
Fired Squib
Cost: 100 Cookies