Site News

July 2024 Newsletter

Posted 1 July 2024, 11:05:11 EDT :: Last edited 1 July 2024, 17:20:59 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Art Fight, Sushi Rolls! ✦

Navigate to newsletter portions below!

DTE Results Summer Starlight Festival

Site Updates General Announcements Upcoming

DTE Results

Did your luck nab you some new goodies? Thank you so much to everyone for entering!
Winners are only allowed one win each, so duplicate wins were rerolled. No worries - you won the highest prize!

The winners are announced below:
Ocean Spritz by Staryon Winners
1st Place: CookieCache
2nd Place: Tamurachii
3rd Place: Robotic-Sparks

Sweater Weather Cake by Kyu
1st Place: Redscoreblue
2nd Place: skhenri
3rd Place: zinnia

Snow Skin Mooncakes by Rocco
1st Place: shadesofangelite
2nd Place: TropicalIndigo
3rd Place: Flufflebear

Black Shark Cocktail by Alexdream12 Winners
1st Place: Bushka
2nd Place: ThorinFrostclaw
3rd Place: ChupacabraPrincess

Matcha Lemonade by linborghini Winners
1st Place: ToxicKumo
2nd Place: CarrsCrap
3rd Place: Tigitigerchen

All 1st place winners have won the Mersoosh and 500 Cookies.
2nd place winners have won a Sooshapon Token and 500 Cookies.
3rd place winners have won a Sooshapon Token and 250 Cookies.

Congratulations to everyone! These prizes will be deposited today.


Summer Starlight Festival

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The Summer Starlight Festival is now in session!

This year is jam-packed with new activities for more participation... so you can fight for what flavor is the best overall:

Sweet or Savory

Something brought the Mersooshes to the shore, and it seems like it was actually food! But was it a sweet treat, or a savory meal?

Looks like it's up to you to figure out and fight for what is right!

Want to participate? Go to this page to pick your team and learn what you must do to earn points for your team, and watch the tracker go up as everyone gathers points!

Your team will be displayed on your site profile, but feel free to go into our discord server to pick up a server role as well.
Art Fight begins at the same time but no worries - your attacks are able to be used for our team fight event too!

What are you waiting for?

Fight today!


Limited Time Activities

New Daily!

Don't forget to get this new summer daily every day to gain some passive points for your team.

Foraging Area Available!

Foraging is free, and there are plenty of pets to find!
There's also rumors that there is a small chance to get some sort of clam mirror...

Holiday Shoppe Stocked

Gather your Ocean Splashers and get yourself a few goodies!

There's a new transformation available, and a new yearly trait as well. The previous Summer items have also made their return, so this is a great time to nab anything you've missed. Wow!

The newest trait discovered this year is Translucent Body.

Translucent Body is a misc. add-on trait to your Soosh. This trait allows for see-through bodies of Sooshes. This means slime-like/gelatin-like bodies with inner objects, glass limbs with fish, and more!

Thank you everyone, and we can't wait to see which team wins.
Tune in next month for the reveal of the raffle prizes and for our jam-packed festival send-off!


Site Updates

Activities Live

Eventually these will get little thumbnails, but for now, you can now recycle those potions for when you want a bell or vice versa. Not only that, but if you are in an excess of pets (coughs chocolate basket gacha cough) you can now recycle 5 pets for 1 random pet box. This includes any pet box on-site, so you may be lucky and get an out-of-season one you have been after!
Also crafting is live. Currently this is not in use...

Transformations Available to Submit

The Redesign Guide has now been renamed to the Design Update Guide and includes information on how to add transformations to your Sooshes.

If you've been wanting to submit your Awakened form, now is the time!
Have a multiple-body subtype for your Soosh? Why not buy a Stylish Beret and give them a new Merged form for easier art purposes?

Thank you everyone for your patience as we learned how this extension worked and what traits needed to look like for these.

New Specialty Theme Added

Theme: Ingredient has been added.

This is a Specialty trait that will only be available via Staryon or permission granted to mods or GAs for use. Ingredient themes are what they sound like: ingredients used for cooking! These may not be edible on their own, but certainly bring creations together.

On that note, we are wanting to add to our GA team! Read the next box to find out how to apply!


General Announcements

Soosh of the Month for July

MOD-327: Grilled Cheese

owned by A_Fallen_Ace!

As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.

SotM gets changed on the final day of the month to prevent any confusion as entries have closed the day before.
Thank you for understanding!

Basic Food Themes

Just like with no longer allowing design features resemble traits, we are cracking down on Basic Food themes. These now must be very obviously food! We will not allow plants, insects, or other non-food related themes that don't sound completely edible. This means you cannot use a generic mushroom unless it's cooked in some manner (Mushroom vs Mushroom Soup) as the implication of it being raw is something we find confusing.

Plants that are obviously edible without need of cooking (Fruit) are fine, but plants or critters that teeter the line of consumption safety will no longer be allowed.

Thank you for understanding!

Prompts Adjustments

As AI becomes very prevalent, we have decided to move away from allowing writing as standalone works for our site. It was with a lot of delibiration but in the end, what really stood out was that our site was always marketed as an art-based roleplaying game. We are not knowledgeable in writing, nor can we keep up with members' writing styles as well as we can with art styles.

We have decided to come up with a combined solution: Storybook Combos!

These will allow some writing if you want to help develop a story or some characterization for your Sooshes. This is a 250-word short story included alongside an illustrated scene - no color necessary! Think of novels with black and white illustrations. This allows us to still have writing stay a component of the site, but tackles the issue of us focusing solely on art. We thank you for your understanding.

Site Asset Commissions

We're looking for some pixel banners, similar to the Cookie banners you see between these divs!
We may also want other site asset art...

Would you like to help shape the website? We're paying in USD or Site Items, so if you are interested please reach out to Staryon on discord. We look forward to commissioning some community members! 🎨

Guest Artists Wanted!

Have you been wanting to join the team making designs for events and sales? We're looking to add just a few more to freshen things up!

Guest Artist Application


Future Happenings

🎨 Upcoming Sales 📅

Mod Batch is on the final Saturday of each month!

This month it lands on:

July 27th

July 6th: Supreme Sushi Cat Auction
by Staryon

Discord Game Nights
July 5th @ 5pm Site-Time
Soosh Games hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

July 20th @ 5pm Site-Time
Fall Guys hosted by A_Fallen_Ace


💻 Site Changes 🖱️

Here are the notes regarding site changes in case you get confused or notice new things!
Not everything will be listed as we continue to iron out what we believe needs adjusted. You may see existing entries update and so on!

Site Updates 07.01.24
  • Users can now see prompt rewards for locked prompts. (silver)
  • Characters are now publically visible again and can embed on discord. (silver)
  • Added foraging (silver)
  • Updated Character Transformations (silver)
  • Updated to lorekeeper 2.1.6 (silver)
  • Updated to lorekeeper 2.1.7 (silver)
  • Enabled Activities
  • Enabled Crafting
  • Navbar adjustments to take in the new changes (silver)
  • New Daily Added
  • New Collection live
  • New Design Update Guide to explain the process for Transformations
Have any questions?

June Newsletter

Posted 31 May 2024, 16:23:55 EDT :: Last edited 1 June 2024, 20:55:34 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Pride, Sushi Rolls! ✦

Navigate to newsletter portions below!

Spring Blossom Festival Summer DTE Reveal

Site Updates General Announcements Upcoming

Spring Blossom Festival Closure

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Raffle Prize Winners

All prompts are approved, so now it is time to reveal our winners!

> Additional Art <

  • 3rd Place will take home a Haute Potion with a Mushroom Log
    Won by ToxicKumo
  • 2nd Place will take home a Sooshapon Token with a Spring Seasonal Trait Box
    Won by Sibbo
  • 1st Place will take home Secret Garden Cupcake by Tamurachii
    Won by arwen

Holiday Shoppe Closure
Don't forget to purchase any Seasonal goods from the Holiday Shoppe before it closes fully on June 8th!

Now that the raffle is rolled, the tickets will no longer be available to purchase at the shop.

Just click on the image above to enter the shop. Thanks, Zero!


The Summer DTE has begun!

_out of the seafoam and crashing waves, a message in a bottle washes ashore…_

"an invitation? no, an announcement. an arrival. written with pale ink which shines like pearls in penmanship which resembles song. on the next full moon when the tide will reach its lowest low, i will come out of the sea. a grand entrance. an introduction. a request for little fanfare. a desire to see how the four leggeds live. my gift to you is my presence. the knowledge that we exist at all. what will you offer me in exchange for the new possibilities i have now opened your eyes to?"


Culario is a realm of magic, and it seems like the ocean has had a particular outburst of it. There's a commotion by the ocean - and now we know why!

Our team of artists have worked hard to design lovely Sooshes that have their aquatic forms attached.
Every year in June, we host our annual Draw-to-Enter.
There is no judging involved - just luck!

You just have to draw an eligible Soosh to enter its raffle. Why not give it a shot?
The prompts are live on-site. Good luck!

What are Mersooshes? Go to the next portion of this newsletter to learn more!


What's that Splashing In?

Mersooshes are here!

These Sooshes are those who have unlocked a new form - the Mersoosh transformation!

These are alternate forms for your Soosh to use freely as seen fit! You don't always have to draw them in this form - they are able to transform in and out as needed.

Mersoosh Forms come with the free addition of the Fins and Scales traits!

This form brought a new set of additions for the masterlist:

  1. Transformative Rarity (applied to both Sooshes)
  2. Aquatic (Build) applied to the Mersoosh form
  3. Form Change (Transformation) added to the Main form
  4. Transformation: Mersoosh

These may be a little confusing - so feel free to see how they work on the current DTE Sooshes!
Essentially the traits are needed to align Sooshes with their rarity - similar to Supreme and Celestial Sooshes needing their respective traits.

Want to know how to unlock this form for your own Sooshes?
Keep an eye out as we unravel this in our Summer Starlight Festival!

Do note that this rarity is higher than Seasonal... so it may be a bit harder to obtain!


Site Updates

Trait Art Refreshed

Traits now (mostly) have art! There a few more new traits popping up here and there but for the most part, a majority of traits have appropriate artwork now.

Over time the text descriptions will be updated as well.
We hope the current visuals help explain and show the potential of newer traits!

Scales Downgraded

With the introduction of Mersooshes, we felt it was best to move Scales down to the Gourmet rarity to pair with the Fins trait. This allows for more aquatic-designed Sooshes to no longer avoid scale markings!
All users affected have been granted the Celestial's Gift item to reimburse the mythical trait.

New Dracosoosh Trait

Wyvern Wings have been added for our Draconic Sooshes who may have a more unusual wing placement.

More Traits and Subtypes

With today's updates, we have also added a few more last-minute trait and form additions to help clarify some traits for Sooshes.

New Traits:
Tailless & Hidden Bandana

If your Soosh now has the Tailless trait and you intended Fur Tail - just let us know! Most of the trait change was based on looks.
Hidden Bandana is now used for bandanas that may just be hiding in fur - what sneaky little things!

New Transformations:
Split & Merged
These transformations are to honor the very first Sushi Dog made - Sashimi!
They have a unique ability to split from a Trihead body into a Triptych form, so we felt adding these transformations would help them fit in better and allow more varied forms for Sooshes in the future.

These transformations are not currently obtainable as we continue to work out other site clarifications, but we do hope everyone looks forward to their full release!

As fellow mod arwen stated: "people with their beloved tripych sooshes on average spend 30% more on commissions 😔

New(ish) NPC added!

Welcome, Natsuki! (he/they)

For those of you who are familiar with Staryon, you would know this was a Dream Soosh MYO he had made years ago! As time went by however, his connection was lost with this Kitsoosh and we felt it was best to migrate him to an NPC role so community members can appreciate him - together!

He's a wandering Kitsoosh traveler, so he's rather mysterious to most of Culario... even though he left a very noticeable mark during a previous visit...
Maybe one day you'll meet him on your travels.

A new mod has joined the team!

A_Fallen_Ace has joined the team as a Community Mod!
The Discord is a lot of upkeep, and to ease the workload we decided to hire one more mod to help handle part of it.

Ace may be familiar to you all and if not let me clear things up:
We used to be mods together!

Her love and appreciation of Sooshes continues to shine, and we are all very excited to have her join the team. She has experience, passion, and knowledge to help us, so we are very grateful for her contribution.

Join us in welcoming Ace to the team!


General Announcements

Soosh of the Month for June

MOD-309: Black Cat Cookies

owned by Fluttershy!

As a reminder, SotM entries are due the second-to-last day of the Month. This is to ensure ample time to approve and raffle the SotM winner and contact them in time to begin the next month with their Soosh of choice.
This is now reflected in the prompt!

Claim Game Refresher

As we gain new members and mods, I just wanted to refresh everyone on how the claim game works in our discord server!

  1. You may only claim one Soosh at a time.
  2. Please try to only claim 1-2 times a month.
  3. Artwork is due in 5 days or less. If you need more time, you must let us know ASAP.
  4. We suggest waiting for 2-3 claims to occur before claiming again.

Remember - failure to follow our rules can get you banned from participating in the game.
We do our best to make sure claims move along as needed, so we just ask for you to do your part and finish everything in a timely manner!

Prompts Adjustments

Prompts that have prerequisites are now hidden by default. This may apply to the magic questline soon!

This change felt necessary as members continue to last-minute finish their quests for events. This would be fine in theory, but this overwhelms our moderator team immensely when we should be moving along with rolling raffles (haha) and shifting focus to our next events.

Quests will once again be due on the final day of the month together, but we do ask that members manage their time wisely so they can finish the entire event in a timely manner.

We have a timeline of 5 days to approve site queues.
Do not ask our mods to approve anything before this deadline. We are all volunteers and we do our best with the time we have!

If you submit things last minute we cannot guarantee approval fast enough for you to even begin your next prompt.
I do hope you sincerely understand.

Survey Request

We'd like to make discord game nights happen often again, and we need your help! It's been a while since we've gone to a regular schedule, and we want to know what times and games the community would enjoy most.

So why not get a handful of Cookies and help us at the same time?

Discord Game Nights Survey

Future Happenings

🎨 Upcoming GA Sales 📅

June 8th: Auction
by linborghini
🦋 ☁️ 💙

June 15th: Flatsale
by Tamurachii
🌷🪻 🍋

June 22nd: Duo Auction
by Miizue
🌌 🖼️ 🌊

Discord Game Nights
June 7th @ 8pm
Soosh Games hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

June 22nd Mid-day
TBA hosted by A_Fallen_Ace

⛱️ The Summer Starlight Festival returns next month! 🎆

Just like last year, we hope you are prepared to fight each other over what theme is the best!
With some site updates, we hope the event is even more thrilling than before with a live-feed of points gained by each team.

I bet you want to prepare ahead and see what the themes are, right?
It's a popular fight against flavors...

🧁 Team Sweet vs Team Savory 🍔

We do know that Art Fight is happening in July - not to worry! You can submit any attacks done via artfight for your team as well. It does need to be a Soosh, of course.

We cannot wait to see which team reigns in the end!

The Great Soosh has formed another...


Supreme Sushi Cat.

Stay tuned!


💻 Site Changes 🖱️

Here are the notes regarding site changes in case you get confused or notice new things!
From now on, when updates are made it will be placed into the current month newsletter with the appropriate date listed.

This helps the team not feel crunched to meet deadlines - now, when things are done, we'll just upload it when ready!
Feel free to check back here and see what new has popped up as we continue to add to the site. Every note is under a spoiler, so just click on the date to expand them. Thank you everyone!

Site Updates 06.01.24
  • Traits are now sorted by lowest rarity on default (Thank you silver!)
  • Prompt Prerequisites added (silver)
  • Added numerous missing trait artwork
  • Added new traits (Tailless, Hidden Bandana)
  • Added new transformations (Mersoosh, Awakened, Split, Merged)
  • Added new traits (Aquatic, Form Change, Humanized)
  • Added new rarity (Transformative)
  • Updated Redesign Guide
  • Whatever else you noticed that is different. We're kinda losing track.
Have any questions?

May Newsletter

Posted 5 April 2024, 16:40:34 EDT :: Last edited 13 May 2024, 23:12:53 EDT by Staryon

✦ Bring on the May flowers, Sushi Rolls! ✦

I bet you noticed the changes in the newsletter?
It's been upgraded for easier readibility and access to certain portions you may be curious about!
Click the buttons below to navigate to specific portions of the newsletter, or take your time reading all of it. Enjoy!

Bunny Hop Day Spring Blossom Festival Pet Contest

Site Updates Currency Changes Future Happenings

Bunny Hop Day Event Close

And with that, Bunny Hop Day is now over!

Thank you so much everyone for the great turnout!
We hope the eggs weren't too hard to find, and that the hints for the last few days helped everyone complete their hunts.

The eggs are now inactive and will be removed from their hiding spots.
The Bunny Hop Day Basket and Chocolate Nest items are now out of the Holiday Shoppe's rotation.

Lastly, what most members looked forward to:

Bunny Day Raffle Winners!

The raffles have been rolled and the winners of each raffle are below...

Pink Blossoms Bundt Cake by Tamurachii
Winner: PinkusDean

Flower Baskets Cupcakes by Alexdream12
Winner: TroubledFox

Rosemary & Eggs by Rocco
Winner: NaiKat

Cottontail Fluff Candy by linborghini
Winner: bunnyburrowco

Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you for participating in the annual egg hunt!
I really hope the new format was enjoyable for all members!


Spring Blossom Mid-Festival Updates

Card image cap
Raffle Prize Reveal

The grand prize for the Spring Blossom Festival raffle for this year is now revealed!

> Additional Art <

  • 1st Place will take home Secret Garden Cupcake by Tamurachii
  • 2nd Place will take home a Sooshapon Token with a Spring Seasonal Trait Box
  • 3rd Place will take home a Haute Potion with a Mushroom Log

Sub-Quests Now Live!

Check out the new sub quests to earn a few more petals and see how other NPCs are feeling about the commotion that, once again, keeps happening...

The Shroomis have inspired Sooshes to make some new decor, or find new hobbies! There's also another issue with the festival, and lastly, it seems like a new guy in town may know the real solution to satisfying the Shroomis.

Check it out!
Festival Prompts
Bunny Hop Day Items are now gone from the Holiday Shoppe!
Don't forget to purchase any Seasonal goods from the Holiday Shoppe before it closes at the end of this month!

Bunny Hop Day items are now out of rotation from the Holiday Shoppe. Don't fret - they are still available elsewhere! Just keep reading this news letter to find out more.

Just click on the image above to enter the shop. Thanks, Zero!


Pet Contest Winners



🐈 Pet Contest Winners 🦴

Congratulations to these three winners for winning the most votes in the community poll!

Bottle Slimes by PinkusDean

Catserole by PsychoPancake

Sweetles by Fluttershy

What's that? There's even more winners?

✨ Bonus Winners 🏆

Staryon's Favorite: Dino Pet by Robotic-Sparks

Mod Choice: Cannoli Lobster by CookieCache

These pets just caught the hearts of our team, and we felt they would be a great fit on the site!

These winning pets will be redrawn by site staff to fit the asset art guidelines and then placed into the Community Pet Box item when finished.
Thank you so much everyone who entered - feel free to use unused pet concepts in designs, as one-offs, or maybe hold onto them! You could always use them as companions for a Soosh design in the future.

We would have loved to grant wins to many more entries. We loved the turnout and just hope everyone is proud of their concepts - it was hard to choose!

There are a few pet concepts we would still love to add to the site in the future, so if you are a user who did not place you may hear from Staryon soon. Thanks so much!


Site Updates (Features)

New NPC and Shop revealed!

Welcome Rowan! (he/him)

Rowan isthe local hobbyist; when he isn't working, his nose is in a book! This Soosh loves to learn and will know many random facts about varied topics.  He also has a knack for sewing and tailors his own clothing for the fun of it. The best part of all? He is an absolute lover of any and all pets! You'll find him knowing many facts, behaviors, and theories regarding pets and their existence - so if there is any commotion with pets, he's your guy to go to!

Now that he is comfortable in Culario, he has been able to open up his shop:

Now Open!

His stock is limited to Treat Bags and pet-related goodies at the moment - great news for other features added to the site!
If you are after a rare or out-of-season pet, he'll be stocking them. They are higher than normal pets, but he works hard to lure them out during their inactive seasons!
It seems like he's heard the interest in his tailoring, so he may offer more in the future...

We are so excited to reveal this new NPC and Shop to coincide with some changes and new features added.
We hope you guys are just as excited as we are!

Soosh of the Month is back!

Yes... again!
But this time with a far easier way for staff to update and for all members to easily spot the new Soosh of the Month.

River Lily Cake owned by Kyasarinn

The first Soosh of the Month with the extension was won via a surprise raffle in the Sushi Dog Park discord!

You can enter the prompt twice each month, and a random participant will earn the chance to have their Soosh displayed next month.

SotM gets rolled the last day of each month to allow users time to reply with a Soosh they want featured, so please keep that in mind when submitting!

Soosh of the Month Prompt

Collections Added

Are you a completionist? Want something to show off when you gather a bunch of rare pets from an event?
The wait is no more - collections are here!

There are now 10 Collections live for you to complete to your hearts content.

To complete or see what you are missing for a collection, go under My Stuff → Collections!

You may have noticed the Cheeps collection be active for a while. If you get all Cheep variants from the Chocolate Nest but didn't get lucky in finding the elusive rare Cheep, completing that collection will grant you it!
It's a small reward for the price you pay in attempted gambling.


Daily Added

Are you just too busy to draw? In an art slump? Or just like hanging around with characters and were never actually an artist or writer? Or maybe you just love being on the Soosh site every day?

Why not get some currency for it?
We now have a daily for you to check into every day for some!

The rarity drops are listed for an understanding of your luck and mostly for fun. Have you been having good drops lately? Or really mediocre ones? Either way, if you keep at it, you'll find yourself with some pocket change for other site activities!
Maybe pet boxes to complete some collections would be a fun start... but you didn't hear it from me!


Selected Character on Profile

Ever wanted to feature a specific Soosh above your regular row of displayed Sooshes? Now you can!
Simply go to My Stuff → Characters and head to the bottom to select the Soosh you want displayed. The more the merrier!

My Characters

Navigation Bar Adjustments

Yes, it's not just you - the navigation bars have been adjusted!

With new additions to the site, we felt the links needed to swap and change to allow room for everything.

Sales are now a standalone link alongside Daily - this is to help newer members get started in either getting a new Soosh or gaining currency! 
Queues has been added and moved to the righthand side where personal affairs are. Queues just encompasses everything that requires moderator approval - like submissions, claims, transfers, etc.! This helps clarify for newer members that transfers need approval.

The footer navbar has also been adjusted to remove our deviantArt link and to change the Contact link to an on-site report as it used to link to noting our dA group.

Things may change again in the future, but for now, we hope these changes make sense! linking

Gone are the days of relying on deviantArt accounts to have an account. Now, like most users still in art communities, you most likely have a account! You'll be able to link one in your settings under aliases.
No worries, just click here to be taken there!
You'll also be able to set your alias as your primary, so users will see that on your profile instead.

On a smaller but more heartfelt note, the deviantArt group has finally been fully updated to gesture users to our site and discord instead. We have not used dA actively in a long time, and with their current policies, we have made the decision to no longer continue activity on dA.

It's a very bittersweet update for us. It was our home for many years, after all.
It was a long time coming, and we just hope everyone understands why we officially stepped away.

Live Clock

Noticed the little clock above your user? That is the time our site runs off of (which is Eastern Time, if you were curious!)

The most helpful thing for this extension is awaiting sales or posts to go live!
Many of them are queued automatically, so if you are awaiting a special posting, be sure to keep an eye on that clock. It's also just fun to watch.
Get it?


Site Updates (Currency Changes)

Goodbye Carats and Welcome Cookies!

After a lot of thought, the mods all agreed we actually fell in love with the simplicity of... well, Cookies!
Everyone who suggested Cookies or its adjacents have been granted their carats.

The design of the cookies are based on Sugar Cookies - similar to our NPC, Cookie!
Not only that but the colors chosen for the frosting and sprinkles are actually the colors used for our 10th Anniversary - wow!
That also ties Sprinkles (our special anniversary currency) back to our main site currency. It all comes together!

Cookies will be denoted by CO, so be sure to keep that in mind when seeing it in prompts.
*If you do not see the changed images, make sure to clear your cache for the site!

New Mirror Currency

Yes... we know, the mirror already has a currency. We all love Mirror Shards, but aren't you tired of the mirror rejecting your sweet offerings to rescue a poor trapped Soosh?

Worry no further - Treats are here!

Don't they look familiar?
As we were discussing the new Cookies currency, we had ticket after ticket of failed mirror purchases come through. silver looked through the code and we realized the fix was going to be a very complicated ordeal.

So I thought about it and realized... why not another currency? One that honors our former main currency?
Thus, Treats (TR) were born!

How does this new currency work?

Our new shop, Rowan's Haberdashery, stocks Treat Bags.

They are purchaseable with 500 Cookies or 1 Mirror Shards .
You'll need at least 4 Treats minimum to win over a Soosh in the Enchanted Mirror. This means you need to buy at least 4 bags.. the treats are quite small.
This means a minimum of 2000 Cookies or 4 Mirror Shards are needed to save a Soosh - just like before.

The fun part is, now you can mix and match currencies to save a Soosh! Short by 1 ? Try earning 500 instead to buy the remaining Treat cost for the Soosh you're eyeing.

We sincerely hope this change makes it easier to adopt desired Sooshes from the Enchanted Mirror. Both currency-wise and actually purchasing-wise!

Not only that, but now there is a handy price guide to let you understand what values a Soosh. The old value guide was very outdated, so the new guide now includes Seasonal traits and non-Magic Affinity Specialty traits!

Enchanted Mirror

  Koinpeito Shop Prices Adjusted

Many prices of items in the KP shop have been adjusted!
Changes are noted as the following: Previous Price → New Price

KP Shop Costs
  • Premium Bell: 60 KP → 30 KP
  • Premium Potion: 20 KP → 10 KP
  • In-Season Seasonal Trait Box: 30 KP → 15 KP
  • Out-of-Season Seasonal Trait Box: 40 KP → 20 KP
  • Decadent Tonic: 15 KP → 5 KP


One of the main things we looked at as a team was the overall price to create MYOs with different traits or a species change. To create an all-staple Sushi Cat meant spending 95 KP - that's $95!
Over the years, we have tried to make the species far more accessible, but still needed to keep some ratios aligned.

Halving the price of bells was the biggest change but we felt it was necessary. Since Bells went down, that meant Potions also had to go down! In the past, Gourmet Traits were the only "upgraded" traits available which meant they were highly desirable. With the new inclusion of Seasonal Traits, we felt it was okay to finally shift Gourmet down to be more affordable and shift up Seasonal Traits slightly cost-wise.

What does this mean for those who recently bought KP or items with KP?

We do not offer refunds on KP as stated in the shop and invoice. However, the price changes should mean that if you were aiming for traits you'll have more to choose from!

For those who bought items with KP, there are a few options.

If you bought and used an item on a Soosh: Please send a claim and let us know if you want a refund of KP.
If you wish to keep the old values, you do not have to send a claim in!

You'll be given an appraisal at time of claim to reflect the adjusted values.

For example: I recently made a MYO with 1 Premium Bell and 2 Premium Potions.

Option 1: I request a refund.
The Soosh is appraised for the cost of 1x MYO Slot, 1x Premium Bell, and 2x Premium Potions with the new prices.
This is $35 + $30 + $10x2 ($20) = $85 appraisal value. I am refunded 30 KP for the Premium Bell, and 10 KP from each Premium Potion for a total of 50 KP refunded.
*You must send a claim to have this done!

Option 2: I want to keep the old values.
The Soosh is appraised for the cost of 1x MYO Slot, 1x Premium Bell, and 2x Premium Potions with the former prices.
This is $35 + $60 + $20x2 ($40) = $135 appraisal value. I am not refunded any KP.
*You do not have to send a claim if you wish to keep the old values!
Any Soosh design approved with items before May 1st 2024 will be defaulted to the old item values.

We will value any of these requests as long as the items were used between January 1st 2024 - April 30th 2024.

If you bought and have not used an item from the KP shop: you can send in a claim for a refund of KP or simply ask for the old values when you appraise a Soosh in the future.

For refunds, please link your inventory in the claim and state any items purchased via KP.

If you want to keep the old values, just state so when you send a future appraisal.
The items used on your Soosh have to have existed in your account before May 1st 2024 - we will check your logs!

If you have any other questions regarding KP price changes, please contact ModMail in our Discord server, ask in our #ask-a-soosh channel.
We will do our best to make this transition smooth, and appreciate your patience!


Future Happenings

🎨 Upcoming GA Sales 📅

May 4th: Duo Auction
by Miizue and linborghini
🐸 ☔️ ✨

May 11th: Flatsale
by Tamurachii
🌼 🌧️ 💍

May 18th: Duo Auction
by linborghini
🌿 🌸 🌱

Discord Game Night
May 14th @ 5pm ET

Don't miss it!
There's also new Gamer Goal patches for participating in game nights - if you already have played any in the past, feel free to submit a claim to receive a patch!

Just do note they do not have images, so maybe wait if you don't want blank spaces on your profile.

Mod Batch & Mod Customs

Did you know: Mod Batches are posted on the last Saturday of each month?

With our newly expanded team, we felt a small adjustment was needed to not pressure every mod to meet a deadline.

Mods can now take on Mod Customs in lieu of participating in the Mod Batch.
Mod Customs work very similarly to Mod Batch Sooshes, but I bet you also don't know the details - so let's clarify!

Mod Batch/Custom Sooshes are allowed to have either:
• 3 Gourmet Traits
• 1 Gourmet Trait and 1 Seasonal Trait

Mods price these Sooshes as they feel fit. If they decide to tackle a Mod Custom instead of participating in the Mod Batch, it just means you'll be paying a price for a custom Soosh with the above choice of traits; no slot necessary!

Of course, if you want more traits or a Sushi Cat, you will have to provide those items.

We hope this makes sense, and we can't wait to see more Sooshes come to fruition each month!

🌊 Our Annual Summer DTE is next month! 🐬

Looks like a new set of Sooshes are approaching and ready to go home with a few lucky winners...
Be sure to keep your drawing skills ready for a chance to take home a new Soosh!

What's that? The turnout is a little lower this year? Wait - what do you mean technically?

Does anyone have any idea as to what is happening? There's a big commotion by the ocean!


💻 Site Changes 🖱️

Here are the notes regarding site changes in case you get confused or notice new things!
From now on, when updates are made it will be placed into the current month newsletter with the appropriate date listed.

This helps the team not feel crunched to meet deadlines - now, when things are done, we'll just upload it when ready!
Feel free to check back here and see what new has popped up as we continue to add to the site. Every note is under a spoiler, so just click on the date to expand them. Thank you everyone!

Salon Updates 05.13.24
  • Added "Fashion Boutique" item category for Pommelraie's Salon
  • Renamed Rainbow Tonic to Simple Shampoo
  • Renamed Pristmatic Tonic to Prismatic Dye
  • Renamed Redesign Kit to Makeover Kit (pygmypear)
  • Renamed Chic Tonic to Chic Bracelet
  • Renamed Nostalgic Tonic to Nostalgic Wristwatch
  • Renamed Snapshot to Pocket Mirror
  • Renamed Simple Tonic to Stylish Beret
  • Removed Split Tonic (combined under Stylish Beret)
  • Moved numerous new items to "Fashion Boutique" item category
  • Changed descriptions of every item to fit their items better
Site Updates 05.01.24
  • Changed color of Haute Potion to match color of Gourmet trait label
  • Changed color of Enchanted Bell to match color of Felidae trait label
  • Renamed Angelic Wings to Small Angelic Wings
  • Renamed Devilish Wings to Small Devilish Wings
  • Added "Antennae" trait to differentiate from "Small Horns"
  • Added "Trailing Bandana" trait to differentiate from "Large Bandana"
  • Created Pet Boxes item category and moved appropriate items to the category
  • Uploaded new pet box item: Plush Box
  • Uploaded new Plush pets: Bearloved, Kloth, Scrappy, Yeown, Zipz
  • Created Cheeps Collection
  • Created Ultimate Cheep Collection
  • Created Winter Pets Collection
  • Created Spring Pets Collection
  • Created Summer Pets Collection
  • Created Autumn Pets Collection
  • Created Shroomi Collection
  • Created Stargem Collection
  • Created Plush Pets Collection
  • Created Achievements patch category
  • Created Gamer Goals patch category
  • Created descriptions for Patch Categories
  • Created numerous Patches for participating in site-activities
  • Created numerous Patches for participating in game nights
  • Created numerous Patches for certain Pet collections as a reward
  • Values are now left on Soosh's masterlist entries by default. Appraisals are still needed to turn on resale of Sooshes however
  • GST category now only holds Guest Artist Sooshes. Previous mod-made designs are now in the MOD category
  • Added Treats currency
  • Replaced Carats currency with Cookies
  • Remade the Magic Questline prompts and Oodles of Doodles prompt to align with newer prompts
  • Added Selected Character extension (silver)
  • Added Daily extension (silver)
  • Enabled Daily with shown percentages so members can see how lucky (or unlucky) they have been
  • Added Featured Character extension (silver)
  • Adjusted The Enchanted Mirror's page for full clarification of what values a Soosh and how to purchase one using the new Treats currency
  • Remade Newsletter coding to make it easier to navigate and read
Have any questions?

Pet Contest & More!

Posted 4 April 2024, 21:37:25 EDT :: Last edited 1 May 2024, 12:12:46 EDT by Staryon

Community Pet Contest

You asked and we (eagerly) delivered...

April 28th @ 12pm ET: Voting begins now!

Pet Contest Voting

You'll be voting for your top three favorite entries!
Artists are kept anonymous to the best of our ability to discourage preferential bias - try to vote for pets you want to see on-site!

Winners will be revealed in the May newsletter, and afterwards artists are allowed to share their entries in the discord even if you did not place. Thank you so much everyone for entering, and have fun voting for the entries - everyone did an amazing job. It's a little hard to decide on favorites!

Submissions accepted from April 6th 12pm ET until April 27th 11:59pm ET

That's right, we're hosting a pet design contest!
We want to see your pet concepts... So we're putting together a Community Pet Box that will include five pets designed by players in the Sushi Dog Park community.
But that's not all... the final five will be decided by the community as well!

Prompt Details to prepare for tomorrow:
Submit a colored and fullbody pet design!

  • You can submit sketchy concepts or even concept pages, but please ensure that we can get a general sense of coloring and that there is at least one fullbody image in your submission.
  • We are also capping the submission limit at just one submission per person: Be very sure that the design you submit is the one you want to!
  • Different variants of pets are allowed (e.g. the multiple colors of Carl pets), but please do not exceed three variants of your design.

Community votes will be taken from April 28th until April 30th so we can finalize winners and announce them in next month's newsletter. Wow!

All pets will be redrawn by our pet artists to fit the site, but don't worry - your credits will be in the description so everyone knows your contribution to our site!

Want some helpful tips that are unique to this newsletter?

  • Most items and pets are drawn in a 200x200px canvas before they are shrunk down to the 100x100px size required for the site.
  • Thick lines are used by the site's artists, so consider that when it comes to details in your pet design!
  • We love animals and we love food! Combining the two may be a fun way to please the community.
  • Culario is full of magic, so anything fun and lively is a sure hit!
  • This is all determined by the community, so maybe get some help from members in our Discord server.
  • (There may or may not be more bonuses to give out in the end...)
  • Use or another image hosting site for image links! Discord image links no longer work after a short period of time, so it would be less stressful for everyone involved to have a stable host for your submission.

Good luck everyone, and we cannot wait to see all the entries!

Guest Artist Auction Tomorrow!

The Shroomi chaos seems to have brought out a sweet Soosh...

Check out this new Soosh design by Miizue tomorrow at 12pm ET!


New addition to the team!

Please join us in congratulating Vixen-dawg for joining the team as our new masterlist moderator! Many users are familiar with Viv, and I was very excited to have her interested in joining the team.
With that, our team is rather packed! I want to sincerely thank everyone who had applied and gave interest into joining. Though the team feels full now, who knows what the future may hold for us?

From Staryon personally: I love the enthusiasm and the familiar faces I read via applications. Though I cannot hire you all, I do very much hope to continue to receive your patronage and feedback with the site. There is nothing more I want than our site and community to be fun and inviting for all.
Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart!

Mod Batch Theme

Are there bugs all over our charcuterie board? Wait...

With a new set of mods and staff, there may be a full batch waiting for you at the end of the month...

April 27th - watch out!
These little pals are so excited to be their debut for our new team!

Upcoming Changes

KP Price Adjustment, Mirror Purchases, and more!

If you look around, you may have noticed some more changes to the site.
Don't fret! You'll get all the details as we continue to build and further reveal more.

We will rebalance the KP prices in the Cash Shop! If you buy any items before the adjustment, no worries - there is a grace period where I will refund any differences in purchases. I look forward to revealing more next month!
There is still time to participate in our survey and get 5 KP - don't hesitate!

>>> Koinpeito Price Survey <<<

That's all for now! See you next update, Sooshes!

April Newsletter

Posted 13 March 2024, 11:03:24 EDT :: Last edited 1 May 2024, 12:12:31 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Spring Blossom Festival, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter is jam-full of updates and the beginning of the Bunny Hop Day Event! Tomorrow begins the Spring Blossom Festival, and that means the return of our Spring season.

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

Spring Blossom Festival

The Spring Blossom Festival is now in session!

Turns out there is a commotion going on with thefts - again! Why does this keep happening in Culario?

Check out the prompt questline below!

Spring Blossom Festival Prompts

New Pets!

Welcome, Shroomis!

These new sentient mushrooms are a main part of the questline - participate and you can take one or more home with you!

New Trait!

The Maple Spinner is here - it grants the very community-requested trait, Small Pixie Wings!

You can purchase this item in the Holiday Shoppe with 500 Petals. You can also get it via a Spring Seasonal Trait box for 2000 Carats, or with 30 KP!

What are you waiting for?
Zero is happily manning the shop this year, so stop on by!

Holiday Shoppe

Bunny Hop Day Event

March 31st - April 30th

Our annual egg hunt event is here!
There are 10 identical eggs hidden around the site. As usual, we have prizes in each egg and more!

For a refresher, here is some basic hiding place guidelines:

  • Eggs will not be hidden on MYO Sooshes.
  • Eggs will not be on any staff or mod profiles.
  • They can be on official shops, pages, and more!

Each egg has 50 carats and 1 Marshmallows .
You'll be exchanging this currency for your gift basket once you find all 10 eggs!

Some Bunny Hop Day Sooshes have joined the commotion this year!

Pink Blossoms Bundt Cake by Tamurachii

Flower Baskets Cupcakes by Alexdream12

Rosemary & Eggs by Rocco

Cottontail Fluff Candy by linborghini

This year, all Sooshes are raffled off instead of having any being a first claim basis. This is to ensure every member can take their time participating in the event and get an equal shot at a Soosh they love!

You may only enter one Soosh raffle, so be sure to choose your favorite! You will get a ticket in your Bunny Hop Day Basket. How do you get one?
When you find all 10 eggs, be sure to open them all to gain 10 Marshmallows!
Once you have all 10 Marshmallows, head over to the Holiday Shoppe to claim your Bunny Hop Day Basket!

It seems like the commotion also brought over a few new pets. What a fun time of year!
Sooshes will be raffled when the event ends, so stay tuned to next month's newsletter for winners!

Well, what are you waiting for? The hunt has started!

Bunny Hop Hunt

Welcome to our new moderators and staff!

silver Alexdream12 pygmypear SamiTheDreamer arwen Tamurachii
We have a handful of new members being promoted to mod and staff! Congrats!
I am very excited to have more enthusiastic community members join us behind-the-scenes to help refine and push the species growth further. Since I left behind some roles with my own promotion, I had extra space to fill with applicants I felt would be a good fit. I had a lot more applicants than I anticipated, so I'm very thankful for that to give me a chance to fill in any gaps I felt any applicants were good fits for!

For everyone who applied: thank you! It means so much to me that you are interested in helping the species.

I also decided to hire on an asset artist! Many of you are already familiar with them as a Guest Artist: Alexdream12! Burr and I have a long history in Sooshes together, I think even longer than Kayy and I, so it's very exciting for me to have them join me in this endeavor. Alongside Burr in the new Asset Staff team is Radio, who was previously under the Event Moderator role. Radio is our dedicated prompt writer and lore writer!

And to lessen the pressure off of myself and have updates be a bit more streamlined, we have hired silver as our Site Developer! I was very excited to see that someone with frontend/backend development was interested in joining the team. This is something I really desired to be with someone who loves and knows Sooshes, so this is very exciting for us.

Lastly, with the new mods comes another change. dizzyplush has stepped down from the moderator team. This is no ill-will or shock; just like Kayy, we are very close! I knew life has gotten busier for her lately as she got her desired career established!! I am endlessly proud of her and will miss her presence in the mod team, and I just hope she enjoys being a member again as well.

Due to this... we are hiring for one more moderator position!

If you just applied, I encourage you to please apply again! Previous responses were not saved, and this position was not advertised last time. Maybe this role is an even better fit for you?

Masterlist Mod

  • This moderator is responsible for fully approving Sooshes, approving Soosh transfers, and handling the Mirror transfers which includes Pommelraie's toyhouse account. This position also has to set adoption stock for the Enchanted Mirror to allow users to adopt mirrored Sooshes. This role is knowledgeable in our traits, rarities, and what we allow for masterlist images. In busier times, you will also be uploading Sooshes fully from scratch to the site!

If you feel like this is a good fit for you, please apply using the button below!

Apply now!

Carats Rebrand

We're closing the form a little bit early to announce the theme we are going for!
The new name we are going for... is not decided fully yet!!

However, we have settled on a themeing around the currency.
We are going with


I felt this was a very fitting choice to go with our mascot seen in our pixel dividers - Cookie! She has been our mascot for years now, and I think having the currency fit around her theme only makes sense. She is the one who represents us, and is the one who normally helps with festivals and events! We love Cookie and we believe this change is more fitting to our site and aesthetics.

Discord Game Night

SamiTheDreamer is going to be hosting a game night in the Discord server! It's been quite a long time since we have had game nights, and we really hope to have them become a more regular occurance again.

The details are below:

Jackbox Party Pack 6
on Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6pm ET

This game is playable on tablets or phones, so be sure to get those ready for game night!
Sign-ups will open in the discord before the assigned time, so keep an eye out and pick up the Gamer Soosh role to be pinged when it happens!

Look at these changes!

Koinpeito Shop
  • The Cash shop is now the Koinpeito Shop. This is where KP items are sold, and the form is in the shop description to purchase KP.
  • Koinpeito has had a slight face-lift! They now come in many bright colors to further represent konpeito.

  • New Seasonal Trait Box items are now available in the KP shop! These are purchaseable with KP for one seasonal trait of choice for the corresponding season. In-season boxes are sold at a discount!
  • We want to hear from you! Are KP prices fair, or do you believe some adjustments are needed?
    Please respond on this page and receive 5 KP!
    >>> Koinpeito Price Survey <<<
Pommelraie's Salon
  • Pommelraie's Salon now stocks the Sooshapon Machine, and the corresponding Sooshapon items for Mirror Shards.
  • All KP items have been moved to the Koinpeito Shop so his salon is not overwhelming for a newer user.
  • The Sooshapon Machine now has a discounted FTO token! This is a one-time purchase of 1000 CR so newer members have an easier time getting their first Soosh. We love when new members join, and we want to encourage them to develop their own Soosh!
  • The salon now has a link to visit the Enchanted Mirror. It's always been in Pommel's salon, so now it's easier to access when checking out shops!
  • Eventually, many of the Salon Special items will be renamed and changed to further fit the shop! The only remaining tonics are the Decadent and Energizing Tonics, which affect Magic Affinity, and they are stocked in the Koinpeito Shop now as they have always been KP exclusive.
Site Features
  • Pronouns are now on-site! Go into your account settings to set them if desired, and they will show up beside your username!
  • We now have a revamped Team page! You can find the link in the footer of the website as well. This shows our current team and their roles, as well as where to contact them.
  • Additionally, team members will have their role title beside their usernames on-site like how I have Owner above!

Site Changes 04.01.24
  • Added Pronouns to the site! To set your pronouns, please go into your account settings and set them there. (Thank you again, silver!) This is optional and just for your comfort!
  • Updated site from 2.1.2 -> 2.1.5 (silver)
  • Added Staff Page via Team link in footer (silver)
  • Sooshes will now hold onto their initial sale/highest appraisal values via masterlist entries. Values we have noted down will be added to existing entries, so you may notice some Sooshes have sale values now! However, they are still marked unable to be sold as we still require an appraisal system to mark them sellable. (Thank you arwen for handling a vast majority in less than a week!)
    Added "Seasonal Festivals" prompt category.
  • Renamed Approvals Moderator -> Design Moderators
  • Renamed Database Moderators -> Masterlist Moderators
  • Renamed Events Staff -> Event Staff
  • Added Site Developer role for silver
  • Added Asset Staff role
  • Adjusted User Ranks for site to the following order: Owner, Site Developer, Asset Staff, Community Moderators, Design Moderators, Event Moderators, Masterlist Moderators
  • Adjusted colors for all of the rankings to better differentiate them
  • Added "Seasonal Enchantments" item category to move seasonal trait items to that category.
  • Added "Gift Boxes" item category to move box items into to make them more obvious they are boxes meant to be opened!
  • Added "MYO Item" item category to move Sooshapon Capsules into.
  • Moved all Seasonal Trait items to the "Seasonal Enchantments" item category
  • Moved all box tagged items into the "Gift Boxes" item category
  • Added "Sooshapon Machine" item category to replace the shop and moved the following to it: Sooshapon Token, Enchanted Bell, Haute Potion
  • Added "Salon Specials" item category for items that affect a Soosh's design or masterlist art and moved the following to it: Redesign Kit, Snapshot, Chic Tonic, Nostalgia Tonic, Prismatic Tonic, Rainbow Tonic, Simple Tonic, Split Tonic
  • Removed Trinkets item category and moved any trait-granting items to Enchantments instead to align with Seasonal Enchantments.
  • Condensed the Sooshapon Machine, Pommelraie's Salon, and Mirror Shard exchange into one shop. The anti-monopoly laws finally shut his multi-shop company down and he is now forced under a singular mega-salon.
  • Cash Shop is now Koinpeito Shop. All KP items are now sold in this shop to help simplify Pommelraie's already full salon.


Posted 1 April 2024, 12:59:04 EDT :: Last edited 1 April 2024, 13:00:20 EDT by Staryon







This is 1000% legit. Sooshes are no longer puny beta sooshes but they are now the ALPHA!!

It's a one-day only deal!! Free gift when you show off your BRAND NEW GAINS.





March Newsletter

Posted 23 February 2024, 12:59:41 EST :: Last edited 25 March 2024, 12:15:24 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Spring, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter is jam-full of updates including new ownership of the species, a new adventure prompt, mod hiring, and more!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

Change of Ownership for Sushi Dogs

Can you believe the Sushi Dogs group is turning 11 years old this year? Sushi Dogs has been around before that, too!
If you've been around for most of it like I have, then you've heard it before: Sushi Dogs has a new owner!

What does this mean?
Well... nothing really, yet! (Besides me changing a lot of things on the masterlist...)
For those unaware, kayy and I have been in Sooshes together when we both joined as mods in 2017. That's more than half a decade!
We did a lot of group work together, and a lot of development I personally helped with. She was the calm to my storm. This is why when life got hectic for her, I offered to handle the community as much as I could. This meant learning how to upload site assets, prompts, newsletters, and more! It was a big undertaking but I did it for my appreciation for Kayy and my love of Sooshes. She was just as passionate for the species as I am, and I am forever grateful for everything she helped set up in the species! This site wouldn't be so manageable if it weren't for her, and I again thank her for the dedication to it.

Though she has stepped down as owner, I'm excited to know that she is able to participate in the species as a regular member again. I have lots of ideas and plans I'd love to come to fruition, and nothing is more exciting than being part of the community to get those surprises. I'm already well-equipped for this role as the fill-in for her absence, so if you enjoyed any of the previous festivals, thank you! I do my best to take in suggestions and ideas from the community, and I will continue to do my best from here on out.

I cherish Kayy with all of my heart, and I know this was a big decision for her. Her role with me in Sooshes was a lot of my life, and I am eternally grateful. I wish her all the happiness in the world! So please don't feel like she stepped down due to a lack of love; it was quite the opposite. She wanted the community to get more and felt she was no longer able to dedicate herself to that. I know it was a hard decision for her, and I just hope she can come to enjoy and love Sooshes as much as we always have.

My treasured art from Kayy from around the time we first became mods. Time flies!

Snowfall Festival Winners

Custom Sushi Dog Raffle

Each submission to the festival prompts granted one ticket for this raffle, for a max of 7!

Available artists: aisu, PrinceDipper, Rannarbananar, Staryon
This Sushi Dog custom is allowed up to 3 gourmet OR winter seasonal traits. You can mix-and-match those as well!

Grand Prize Winner: ThorinFrostclaw

Feel free to comment here or DM Staryon the artist of your choosing to establish contact for custom details.

Seasonal Traits Bundles

One entry was granted to each user who submitted an entry to the festival prompts for this raffle.

3rd Place: LightWind
You've won 1 seasonal trait and a winter pet box!
2nd Place: Robotic-Sparks
You've won 2 seasonal traits and a haute potion!
1st Place: GlitchedOcelot
You've won all 3 winter seasonal traits and a Sooshapon Token!

For 3rd and 2nd place above, please comment here or DM me on Discord with which traits you would like!
For a refresher, the winter seasonal traits are: Gemstone Cheeks, Patterned Bandana, and Magic Aura.

Congratulations to everyone, and thank you for participating!

A new adventure prompt is now live!

Ready to gain more virtue points to further your quest to become mythical? There's a new adventure prompt live today!

Seems like there was a giant crash! What was it? Are you brave enough to check it out?
Maybe you want to befriend one of the strange creatures mingling around? No matter the purpose, maybe you can solve this mystery for the town!

ADV - Crash Landing

Bunny Hop Day approaches...

Sounds like the eggs are back and some Sooshes are hiding along with them...
Worried about being too slow or unable to find the time? No worries! This year, all Sooshes will be raffled off to give members ample time to participate in the hunt and still have a chance to take home a sweet Soosh.
As usual, eggs will have goodies inside so you still take home some fresh new stuff even if luck isn't in your favor!

March 31st, 12pm EST the hunt begins!

Sushi Cat OTA on March 9th & Sushi Dog Carat Auction on March 16th!

To celebrate Star's new ownership of the species, he has designed two cute and fun Sooshes that don't require IRL currency to obtain! Better save up those carats or maybe keep a hold of those Sooshes you want to mirror...


Some members in the discord got a sneak peak at the upcoming designs during a livestream!

We're Hiring!

We opened a pool in the past but with restructuring, we have different needs now!
There are a few openings, so please be sure to read these jobs clearly to know which one(s) you want to apply for.

Approvals Mod

  • This moderator is responsible for approving soosh designs in our design queue. This role has vast knowledge of our traits, unallowed features, and guidelines regarding accessories on designs. This role is best suited for someone with a keen eye for detail, and good memorization to ensure sooshes do not break any design rules. You will need to have an easy time transferring images and text from our site to an offsite source for the entire team to approve together. You will also need to be comfortable rejecting designs and informing users of the issues to resolve. You will also handle appraisals for the species.

Discord Mod

  • This moderator is responsible for managing the activity in our official discord server. This role sets up and hosts game nights, giveaways, drops, and more they see fit. This role is best suited for someone who can work independently and take feedback as needed. You will have access to bots used in the server and their dashboards in order to set up giveaways, drops, and more. This is a more technical role and is best suited for someone already with experience running a server and its bots.

General Mod

  • This moderator is more flexible, and is able to help in numerous facets of the community. This role is best suited for someone with skills in art, discord, and database management. You will be knowledgeable in all things Sooshes, and will help in areas that need that extra hand during busier times. If you love being helpful, and love to learn new things, this may be a great fit for you!

Moderators are paid with in-game currency on a monthly basis. You will also gain the privilege of participating in monthly mod sales, which is optional.
Moderators also help develop future events, traits, and get special behind-the-scenes looks at future content!

Apply now!

Site Changes 03.01.2024

Limited Opening Changes
  • Shop items no longer have limited stocks. Everything is unlimited! Items do not sell out that often anymore, so this is no longer a concern of ours for users to buy items in large bulk.
  • The Enchanted Mirror is permanently open now! No longer must mods and members be burdened by the mirror's limited magic. Pommelraie has noticed that every Soosh that looks into it gets stuck inside now, so he has a special disclosure form and the mirror in its own separated room now. Great thinking, I guess, Pommel!
  • Koinpeito forms are closed. This is going to be temporary as Staryon works on things behind the scenes. If you are in desperate need of KP, feel free to DM Staryon or comment on the post. However, if you can wait, I suggest so as there may be changes to the cash shop in the future!
Rarity Changes
  • Adjusted colors for all rarities
  • Added Specialty, Seasonal, and Felidae rarities. This was to divide up the previously overfilled Limited trait which is now retired.
  • Supreme Soosh and Celestial Soosh have had the term "Soosh" removed for redundancy. They are now just Supreme and Celestial respectively. This also allows this rarity to be tied to their unique traits.
  • Specialty holds the remaining traits that are tied to more abstract situations such as Limited Foods and Magic Affinity. It also holds the Confetti Swirls trait as that is our special trait to celebrate all things sooshes during our anniversary event.
  • Reverted Weresoosh back to Vampsoosh.
Trait Updates
  • Adjusted all previous seasonal traits to move from Limited to Seasonal rarity.
  • Enchanted Bell and Kitty Whiskers are now under the Felidae rarity.
  • Celestial (theme) has been changed to Cosmic (theme). This is to help encompass the more abstract themes allowed previously, and because I hated seeing "Celestial (theme) Celestial (rarity)".
  • Changed Cosmic (theme)'s rarity from Limited to Celestial.
  • Similarly, Specialty Food (theme) has been changed to Limited Food (theme) so we did not have "Specialty Food (theme) Specialty (rarity)". Also limited helps further push the fact that many sooshes with this theme will never share it with another due to copyright issues or retired allowances.
  • Added Colossal trait - this trait is for the large build that Supreme rarity sooshes exhibit to further differentiate them from standard sized sooshes. Also mods and members kept forgetting the village leaders were big.
Masterlist Adjustments
  • Added Bihead, Trihead, Triptych, and Diptych subtypes. In the current framework, the subtype class works best for these. The former build traits to differentiate these bodies are now retired.
  • Sooshes are now classed by their highest rarity trait. This is why we needed the build trait for Supremes, and the adjusted rarity for the themes for Celestials. This does mean any Soosh with 1 mythical trait are classed as that mythical type - wow! Others with mismatched traits will be classed as the type they most resemble.
  • Created new character categories for previous owners of the species. OFF (official) will only contain original Witchpaws/Spikedpeach sooshes, while CHI (Chital), KAYY (Kayy), and STAR (Staryon) will contain their designs respectively.
  • Created new character category for collaborated designs (CLB). This is due to the confusion on older designs that were done by both the original owner and a second party.
  • Created new character category for moderator designs (MOD). This is once again to help divy up the types of designs better so members no longer get confused vs who is/was an owner, mod, or guest artist.
  • Created sub-masterlist for NPCs so new members have an easier way to separate them for use in prompts.
  • Numerous adjustments to masterlist code numbers for sooshes to make up for new categories separating large chunks of designs. This mostly affected GST sooshes, so make sure to update any off-site links accordingly!

Road Map

Priority Updates
  • Patch art! A lot of patches never got art as we were stretched very thin during events. With the hiring of new mods, we hope to alleviate a lot of this and have a lot more focus on site assets.
  • Reuploaded/redrawn assets.
  • Site images. This includes shop art, inventory art, and others!
  • Readjusting Soosh's categories and correcting their numbers.
Planned Updates
  • Site refresh! I do adore the teals and paws used for Sushi Dogs but as we further push into foodie culture, I feel that a rebrand would help solidify that.
  • Site asset refresh. This includes renaming items, updating or changing their art entirely, and more.
  • New items! We've said this before and we've done it for seasonal traits, but now that those are mostly caught up we're able to focus on other traits now.
  • More extensions! I won't specify which, but this simply means more things on-site to interact with.
  • New events and prompts!
  • New things for Sooshes! What could this even mean...?
Known Issues
  • Mirror purchases don't go through for members 90% of the time. It has to do with the coding for different currencies allowed for purchasing, so this may be removed in the future if it cannot be resolved. This is a very tedious process behind the scenes so it's difficult for mods to manually send Sooshes!
  • Patches were never made for previous festivals, or were oversized. This will be corrected in future updates.
  • Mismatched art styled assets. We are branching away from the faux-sticker look, but this requires reuploading many of the site's first items.
  • Koinpeito purchases need to be reenabled so users can continue to purchase slots or items using IRL currency.

December Newsletter

Posted 3 December 2023, 11:08:12 EST :: Last edited 7 March 2024, 09:36:01 EST by Staryon

✦ Happy Holidays, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter reveals Autumn Harvest Festival winners, shows off the advent, and a reminder of our returning festival!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

✦ Autumn Harvest Festival Raffle Winners ✦

3rd Place:
Haute Potion + Autumn Pet Box

2nd Place:
Sooshapon Token + Autumn Trait Item (Color Change, Glowy Cheeks, Object Head)
(Please let me know which trait item you want!)

1st Place: Smoked Lava Cheese Buns

Qualeo !

Congrats to every winner, and thank you all for participating in our festivals!


✦ The Advent Calendar is live! ✦

Every day in December, a new Soosh is revealed for the holidays! Are you itching to preclaim one? Or excited to hopefully bid on another?
You can check out all the teases of the themes here, and check out pricing to help you decide if you want to nab one for a holiday gift!

Advent Calendar


✦ Secret Soosh Reveals✦

To: 0Koji-chan From: garlitbread

To: Amber-Nemyris From: Sealveri

To: Andreaigaku From: Blu-jayz

To: arwen From: RaiinbowMochii

To: awkwardnuggs From: Andreaigaku

To: Blu-jayz From: Fucal

To: booplet From: Vixen-dawg

To: c_candy From: ThorinFrostclaw

To: CarrsCrap From: c_candy

To: ChupacabraPrincess From: CarrsCrap

To: DessertDingo From: Sibbo

To: Fucal From: GlitchedOcelot

To: garlitbread From: DessertDingo

To: GlitchedOcelot From: Kyasarinn

To: Kyasarinn From: LightWind

To: LightWind From: Qualeo

To: Mew From: NaiKat

To: Mooncyder From: Mew

To: muthecat From: TanuKai

To: NaiKat From: slug

To: PaddlePudds From: 0Koji-chan

To: pygmypear From: Mooncyder

To: Qualeo From: ChupacabraPrincess

To: RaiinbowMochii From: pygmypear

To: Robotic-Sparks From: PaddlePudds

To: Ryokatsu From: booplet

To: Sealveri From: sheepuns

To: shadesofangelite From: Skywardthedragon

To: sheepuns From: muthecat

To: Sibbo From: awkwardnuggs

To: Skywardthedragon From: Snek

To: slug From: shadesofangelite

To: Snek From: Ryokatsu

To: TanuKai From: arwen

To: ThorinFrostclaw From: Amber-Nemyris

To: Vixen-dawg From: Robotic-Sparks


✦ Snowfall Festival returns next month! ✦

And with that, we are back in our seasonal rotations for the festivals! Sounds like there may be a couple of new traits this time around though... I wonder what they could be?
And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

November Newsletter

Posted 6 November 2023, 11:07:17 EST :: Last edited 6 November 2023, 12:00:43 EST by Staryon

✦ Happy November, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter reveals the mid-festival update, Dream Soosh Raffle, Secret Soosh sign-ups, and advent calendar details!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

✦ Autumn Harvest Festival Raffle Reveal ✦

3rd Place:
Haute Potion + Autumn Pet Box

2nd Place:
Sooshapon Token + Autumn Trait Item (Color Change, Glowy Cheeks, Object Head)

1st Place: Smoked Lava Cheese Buns

This feisty Soosh has the new and fun Object Head trait; good luck to everyone entering the raffle!


✦ The mid-festival update is live! ✦

Welcome to the usual mid-event update!

Seems like it's time for some sub quests to those who have already completed the mainline quests, or maybe those who just want to have a little more fun during the event!
The Sub Quests prompt is now live!

The Holiday Shoppe is stocked with our free Monster Candy Loot Box - just an extra 100 event currency to help you decide on a minor purchase or maybe save up for a bigger one!
Check out the shop!
✦ Mainline Quest End Dates ✦

As a reminder, the end dates are different for the main quests so our team has plenty of time to grade everything in time to prevent any rejections that cancel out the rest of the quest submissions.

Part I: November 28th
Part II: November 29th
Part III: November 30th

Prompts above close at 11:59pm EST on their respective dates.


✦ Secret Soosh Signups ✦

Every year when the colder months begin to creep upon Culario, sooshes from all over join together in the Sanctuary to celebrate the Winter Snowfall Festival. A particular favorite activity is the exchanging of art between sooshes in the "Secret Soosh" event!
So come sign up and get paired with a random secret partner in this exciting art exchange event!

Only 50 members will be accepted for organizational reasons, so sign up soon!
If we do not hit the limit before the end of the month, entries will close on November 26th.

Sign Up Now


✦ Dream Soosh Custom Raffle ✦

Nov 06 - Nov 30 @ 11:59pm EST

Yes! Our dream soosh raffle is back again for our 2023 Winter Advent Calendar.
For the past four years, the final spot in our annual advent calendar has been reserved for a free custom by fawncore for a random member of the Sushi Dogs community. This year is no different!

To enter, simply fill out the entry form using the link below. The winner will be decided by random chance, with the design revealed on December 25th. More information and rules are provided on the dream soosh giveaway entry form. Entries close on November 30.

Enter Dream Soosh Raffle


✦ 2023 Advent Calendar ✦

This year for the Sushi Dog advent calendar we are celebrating that warm and fuzzy feeling the holidays give you. And more so what food really makes you feel that way!
Do you look forward to something warm and savory to share with your loved ones, or a special sweet treat when no ones looking? What food gives you that sense of nostalgia and hominess that you just can't find any other time of the year?

Like last year, the themes will be shown in advance as "A gift for someone who loves ___", but we are going to do a twist on this with the gift being for someone who loves a key ingredient in the dish!

Our focus is to showcase our love of food, and thus have a Soosh represent the same love! Of course, the exact food won't be shown, but we hope the mention is enough to help you decide on potential adopted Sooshes... and they still need to be revealed on their respective dates, of course!

And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!

October Newsletter

Posted 3 October 2023, 09:34:34 EDT :: Last edited 3 October 2023, 11:20:10 EDT by Staryon

✦ Happy Autumn, Sushi Rolls! ✦

This month's newsletter reveals the anniversary raffle winners, the new Autumn Harvest Festival, and plans for this month regarding sales!

If you have any questions, please ask us in the community discord server. Enjoy!

Sushi Dog Discord

✦ Anniversary Event Raffle Winners ✦

We hope everyone enjoyed the raffles for the event! 10 years is a long time and a big deal, so we had to go all out for it!
There's quite a few new Sooshes heading into new homes, so let's go ahead and reveal the owners:

✦ Raffle Winners ✦

FTO Raffle

Won by: MellieFox

WTE Raffle

Won by: PaddlePudds

DTE Raffle

Won by: slug

And the Free-to-Enter Dracosoosh raffle winner is...

Congrats to


Congratulations to every winner here! We're so glad you guys were here to celebrate with us, and we look forward to many more years with Sooshes.


✦ The Autumn Harvest Festival is live! ✦

The Autumn Harvest Festival is live on-site!

This event has two separate questlines you get locked into once you submit a first part - it's personal preference!
Are you a stickler to traditions, or are you one to change it up once in a while?
Check out the prompts!

The Holiday Shoppe is stocked with the new festival items! As usual, we have 3 new seasonal traits, a pet box, and the raffle ticket to enter the Autumn Harvest raffle!
What are the prizes? Wait and see during the mid-event update in November!
Check out the shop!

Since the shop still has previous seasonal traits for those still deciding which trait they desire, here are the new trait items for easy findings:
Fallen Leaf - grants COLOR CHANGE
Glow Stick - grants GLOWY CHEEKS
Headless Plush - grants OBJECT HEAD
These traits have their descriptors to clarify how each one works, so please check them out in our traits guide!
✦ Prompt Changes ✦

We love the community's enthusiasm on finishing every prompt before events end, but sadly we have had to make some adjustments to prevent repeated issues and delays in closing events!
Questlines will now have different deadlines for each part - the final part being the final day of the event. Each part beforehand will end a day earlier than the one after.
For clarity and easy understanding, here are the due dates for this event's questlines:

Part I: November 28th
Part II: November 29th
Part III: November 30th

Prompts above close at 11:59pm EDT on their respective dates.

These changes are to ensure members can correct any issues regarding their first parts - in the past, if you submitted all three at once and had any rejected, it could prevent you from getting any event rewards if you waited until the last day!
We don't mean to be strict, but we cannot handle multiple part last minute submissions, so please try to keep these dates in mind. Don't forget to read over the prompt guidelines thoroughly, or ask in the server if you are confused on what is needed.
Thank you everyone!


✦ Frightfully Fun Festivities ✦

October has a long-standing tradition of sales that we are still sticking to... but also changing it up!

✦ Trick-or-Treat Gacha Sale ✦

The artists have been chosen and set to their themes!
The GAs for the Trick-or-Treat sale are:
Rocco, Tamurachii, care, Kyu, Alexdream12, and Miizue!

What are the themes, you wonder? That'd be too much info!

What I can give you is̸̢͉͖̺̖̻͕̩̈̏͂̏͑̍͑̎̎͆̐͊́̆͠ ̵̡̨̥̼̤̞̦͆͛͊̀̆̀̈̒̒͜ͅt̶̛̯̘̫̙̠̖̬̻̐̉̔́̓̀̈́̇̒͂̑̏̾͘h̵̞̑́́̔ḭ̶̯̤͙̭̬͓̤͉͕̼̲̝̩͐̔̑̽͐̂̅̓̎̾s̶̟̫̤͙̘̟͇̤͕̣̯͈͋̽̇̀̀͘͠:̸̲̠̥̝̈́

01010000 01010010 01000101 01010110 01001001 01000101 01010111: 1698681600
01001100 01001001 01010110 01000101: 1698768000
01010000 01010010 01001001 01000011 01000101 00100000 00100100 00110100 00110000

And lastly... seems like there are two Sooshes rarer than the others in the mix..!

✦ Weekly Mythical Auctions ✦

That's right - we're doing the mythical auctions for three weeks leading up to the gacha sale!
Wait... didn't I mention something about changing up the tradition? Nocte's convinced me - seems like it isn't just Vampsooshes that will be in the mythical spotlight this month! Sounds like a tricky mythical is finding ways to get into the festivities.

Auctions may be revealed earlier on-site as Star will be on vacation during the last two, but comments will not be opened until 12pm EDT on their respective dates.
Carl will generously offer his help again by notifying in our discord server when auctions are live, so don't forget to join and pick up our Soosh Sales role!

Auctions are on Saturdays @ 12pm EDT, with end dates 2 days after auction start

October 7th: Tamurachii
October 14th: linborghini
October 21st: Ponkochi


✦ Well Wishes to the Wedded Couple ✦

For those who didn't know...
Our owner, fawncore got married this past Saturday!

I got to attend the beautiful wedding, and it was a blast! Many cherished moments, memories, and fun laughs were had. Even if I was shy and didn't know anyone, I still had to hold back tears from watching one of my closest friends enter this new stage in her life.
I hope Kayy had the wedding of her dreams, and all of us on the team are so happy for her!

If you were unable to sign the last minute wedding gift to her, feel free to leave your congrats and messages here. Even if you already signed, feel free to say it again! Her and her husband are a powercouple that both jointly work on the site and have shaped it into what it is today. I am eternally grateful for them!

If you missed the photos, feel free to hop into the photo-gallery channel in our server to check them out and reply more personally to her!
Once again; Congrats, Kayy!


And that's all for this month! We hope you are as excited as we are! 
As always, feel free to comment or send us a message if you have any questions!